
The Parking Services Office on campus is currently closed due to COVID - please contact Indigo directly by phone or email for any inquiries. 


Appeals must be made within 7 days of receiving a violation notice.

You will need your violation notice number (printed on the front in the top box) and your vehicle license plate number (printed on the front in the bottom box).

Notices can be disputed by email only.

Email: Notice Disputes

The onsite employees are not permitted to cancel violation notices.

Payment and appeal instructions are also printed on the backside of the violation notice.

Vehicles may be towed from Capilano University Campus for illegal parking in fire lanes, loading zones, wheelchair spaces, non-payment of posted parking rates, non-payment of previous parking tickets and/or continuously sounding car alarms.

Vehicles towed from CapU property are held in the impound lot at:

Mitchell's Towing Ltd.
1255 Welch St.
North Vancouver, B.C.
604 982 0115


Have questions?

Parking Services Office

604 983 7593
Arbutus Building, room AR032