
This is a bimonthly newsletter featuring community updates from Capilano University President and Vice-Chancellor Paul Dangerfield.

July 2021 President's Letter Banner with a photo of Paul Dangerfield

Your thoughts and feedback are welcome: president@capilanou.ca

July 2021


This month I joined the swelling ranks of British Columbians who’ve had their second COVID-19 vaccine and I'm now anticipating the return of simple pleasures, we once took for granted. I’m especially eager for the return of vibrant campus life. I can’t wait for the coffee catch-ups and career fairs, the canoe launches and jazz concerts—and everything in between.

Meaningful connection—in the classroom, online, and beyond to the communities we serve—has been central to CapU’s identity for the last 50 years. We continually strive for meaningful engagement, working creatively and collaboratively with local and regional partners in the arts, athletics, education, business, government, healthcare and more.

We recently discovered just how strong those bonds are when our supporters leaned in with record-breaking donations to help our most vulnerable students during the pandemic. For the past 18 months, our friends, neighbours, alumni and corporate partners have affirmed their commitment to CapU’s vision and values with an outpouring of concern and generosity. They have really stepped up—community supporting community—and we are so grateful for their continued confidence.

At Capilano University, we’ve always thought of ourselves as a family, and I have sensed a wonderful uptick in community pride this year as we’ve reached out to our vast networks to share out ambitious goals for the next decade.

New opportunities to support CapU

Now, with all systems go for the launch back into campus life, there are new opportunities to help CapU deliver on the goal of bringing people together and providing exceptional experiences for all. Under the leadership of our VP University Relations, Jennifer Ingham, there are three important fundraising campaigns currently underway:

  • Take A Seat: The BlueShore Financial Centre for the Performing Arts—a welcoming and well-used academic facility and cultural venue—is in dire need of a makeover before stepping into its 25th anniversary spotlight in 2022. Community donors are being invited to put their name on a comfy new theatre seat—but act fast: the campaign wraps up later this fall.
  • Centre for Childhood Studies: Spearheaded by noted North Shore philanthropists Derek and Carlotta Lee, CapU’s largest-ever capital campaign will launch the Capilano University Centre for Childhood Studies—a new gold standard for Early Childhood Education in Canada. Scheduled to open in 2024, the Centre will provide crucial new childcare spaces, train much-needed ECE teachers, and generate research to drive positive social change at home and across our country. 
  • Student Awards: Last year’s successful “CapU Cares” student fundraising campaign led to over 900 students receiving awards to support their education for 2020–2021. The campaign ignited community interest in helping students thrive and fueled a spike in giving to scholarships, bursaries and awards that remove barriers to education. Whether through small one-time gifts, monthly contributions or legacy endowments, our donors have demonstrated a genuine commitment to safeguarding student success.

Head and shoulder picture of Jennifer Ingham, VP University Relations

Jennifer Ingham, VP University Relations: “At its core, fundraising is about creating strong relationships and building healthier communities.” 

As Jennifer recently reminded me, “There’s a multiplier effect to every donation—an exponential impact that benefits not only our own students, but ultimately drives lasting and positive change in the communities we serve. Our donors appreciate that their support of CapU is more than a gift to an institution. It’s really a gift to future generations—an investment in growth-minded people and programs that strive to move everyone forward.”

Emily Solomon's story

Emily Solomon under a tree with her daughter

I want to leave the last word about the transformative power of giving to Emily—a recent CapU alumna whose extraordinary educational journey was made possible thanks to donor-supported bursaries. I was deeply moved by Emily’s story in this award-winning video. I hope you too will be inspired. 

I look forward to seeing more of you in September!



CapU emblem

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Office of the President

604 984 4933
604 984 4986 (fax)